Sunday, March 25, 2007

12 Secrets To Sleeping Tight

There are so many people couldn't sleep tight at the night. What could be better than feeling a new the next day, refreshed? No waking ups in the wee mornings counting sheep and running ten thousands of miles mentally... These tips will make you sleep in no time...

1. Practice a regular routine.
Establish a regular routine that includes going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle is the key to better health overall.

2. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise, even for 20 minutes, 3 times a week, promotes better sleep cycle.

3. Get more sunlight.
Sufficient natural sunlight will react to the body indicating the circadian rhythms are on the right track.

4. Relax before bedtime.
Push the stressful matter of tomorrows at the back of your mind and relax with soft music, reading or a warm bath to accelerate good sleep.

5. Adequate amount of sleep every night.
Keeping track of your sleeping time schedule weekly and avoid 'sleep thief' to rejuvenate your body and mind.

6. Go to bed when you are sleepy.
Do not refrain yourself to finish the book and try to stay awake when you are sleepy. Your body is telling you they need rest when you have heavy eyelids.

7. Eat magnesium-rich food.
This is good to avoid difficulty sleeping, anxiety, pain, muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome due to lack of magnesium in the body. Found in food of such: dark-green leafy vegetables, almond, whole grain, legumes and seeds.

8. Reduce intake of Caffeine and Nicotine.
4-6 hours prior sleeping, your body should be not working as stimulants keeping you awake from deep sleep.

9. Sleeping aids usage.
Use it conservatively and avoid it by all means, unless prescribed strictly by physicians.

10. Bed for sleeping and intimacy only. Make a point that television belongs to the lounge not bedroom or working place on the bed. It should be trained strictly for a place of intimacy or sleep.

11. Don't nap for more than 30 minutes or after 3 p.m.
Avoiding all tempting naps will add to the degree of tiredness at night for easier.

12. Avoid heavy meals as dinner or supper.
Hearty meals are both bad for health and your sleeping patterns. Grab a light snack if hunger pangs attack just before bedtime.

Sleep is as essential as air for breathing, water for body and knowledge for brains. Sleep is a rejuvenating process for your drained body mind and soul in our daily encounters. It is a biological need for Homo sapiens. Even fish sleeps without closing their eyes (no eyelids), dogs take a rest, computers have shut down buttons, the day turned night, and thus it is universal to have sufficient sleep be part of our life. Sleep tight is for survival.

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