Sunday, March 25, 2007


Most has declared they only need couple of hours to sleep as there are just too many things going on in their life, proudly. What they are unaware is the deprivation that leads to destruction of their health in a slow mode.

Other find themselves feeling refreshed after 4-5 hours of sleep, some needs 8-9 hours. While others seems to never have enough of sleep regardless of the time and overdosed over weekend. Sounds familiar? You are not alone...

Let us find out how much is enough... or should be enough for the time being?

12 years and younger - Infants are well known for sleepy heads, as they require about 16 hours a day. Starting from six months to 3 years, children requires about 14 hours of sleep to rejuvenate their body and mind.

Teenagers - Nine hours of sleep a night is considered essential. This is the growing up process thus getting enough sleep is crucial as their bodies releases hormone and of higher metabolism.

Adults - Commonly among adults, 7- 8 hours is the best for a maximized body exhaustion recovery although some individuals requires only 5 - 10 hours of sleep. According to a medical research, those of less than six hours and more than nine hours have increased probabilities to diabetes.

Pregnant Women - Especially during the first trimester, sleeping well is usual moreover during the whole pregnancy, sleeping excessive hours is common.

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