Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tips for better Yoga Practices

If you want to do a Yoga practices, here is some tips for you before you practices it:
- Consult your general practitioner to ensure you are not pregnant and are able to begin yoga.
- Women should avoid headstand poses during menstruation.
- Before starting your practice, empty bladder and bowels.
- If possible get expert personal attention and including supervision.
- Wear comfortable clothes and avoid garments that pinch or restrict circulation.
- Exercise in your bare feet for body's natural alignment and balance.
- Recommended to practice Yoga in the mornings, afternoons or evenings as long two hours after the meals to avoid upset stomach.
- Away from direct sunlight or in well-ventilated room and spacious.
- All poses should be with control and not in a rush.
- A pose can be held for 10 to 20 seconds during the start but later can be reduced to around 5 seconds.
- During asanas, exhale and inhale with your nose, with your mouth gently sealed.
- Close your eyes are recommended during asanas to get in touch with your inner self.
- Be consistent with your timings, either of quantity of timing or number of days.

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