Saturday, April 26, 2008

What You Need to Know About Auto Loans

This article is important for you read if you are planning to get an auto loan. Before you go car shopping, you have to know how much car you can afford. That means you need to know how much of a down payment you can make, how much you're likely to get for your current car and how much your monthly payments will be. It's tempting to just let the dealership work it all out for you.

In that scenario, you tell the salesman what kind of monthly payment you're looking for and show them your trade-in. They'll tell you whether you should stick with the entry-level model or if you can move up a step or two. And you'll probably be pleasantly surprised that you can drive a much nicer car than you thought for monthly payments that fit your budget. Well, obviously, another year or two of payments means thousands of extra dollars out of your pocket. It's just being removed more gently.

Then there's another problem you might find out about years later. The longer your car loan is, the longer you'll be "upside down" in your car payments. In other words, a longer loan extends the period during which you'll owe more on the car than the car is worth.

So figure out your payment situation and know what you can afford before you start shopping.

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