Sunday, April 27, 2008

Why is family important?

I believe all of us know that how important of our family. Family is important because we are important and we need a group of loyal supporters. It matters what we think and feel and nobody cares more about us than the members of our families - at least, that's how it should be and it starts with us. The better we are to our spouses, children, parents or siblings etc. the more they will want to be better to us.

When we can count on each other and lean on each other then family works. If we waltz in on family when it's good for us and run out when it's bad for us then we're not doing our part and will not find fulfillment there or elsewhere. Family is not only for our pleasure or entertainment but for all facets of life: for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part - we need a family and that family needs us. When we support our families we find ourselves supported. Through family we find ourselves as we give and receive support.

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