This could be happens to everyone, last minute expenses, unexpected bills, unforseen costs. You don't have time to worry about where the money is coming from, how you're going to get it, when it will arrive. Have you considered to applying the paydays loan online? Well, with the cash advance, you can solve all of these problems. A payday loan also called a paycheck advance or payday advance is a small, short-term loan that is intended to cover a borrower's expenses until your next payday. The Personal Cash Advance is a provider of payday loan and cash advance. It offer flexible payment options and a discrete service that gets you the cash you need right now.
To apply your payday loan at here, the things you should do is complete the online form, after that, your loan representative will contact you via phone or email to confirm your details and complete the processing of your application. After all of the process are complete, then your payday loans will be deposit electronically into your saving accounts. It only takes a minute to apply. And for the qualifying, there are some minimum requirements you need to follow, like have a job, income at least $1000 per month, have a checking account, and other requirement that you can see at this site. The qualifying is so easy, right? With this service provider, you don’t have to confuse about unexpected expenses again every month.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Easy way to get the cash advances
Posted by onesecond at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Finance
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Find out your own style eyeglasses at Zenni Optical
Everyone wants like to look stylish, and that means looking tasteful from head to toe. Even you are wearing glasses, you also can look fashionable and stylish. Many people are confuses where to find a good glasses that match with their performance, well, now you can get it at ZenniOptical. You can find so many kind of eyeglasses at here, all of the design is stylish and with high quality. When I visit this site and looking eyeglasses for myself, I found Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses, it’s really cheap right? Beside that, the frame is stylish and high quality. This is a Best Thing Found: Zenni Optical, they have a complete collection of frames and lens. And because they only sell their own manufactured frames direct to the customer, the prices are far lower than other place.
People have to realize that you truly get what you pay for. At ZenniOptical, no matter what type of lenses you need, you'll get the best. And don’t worry your prescription will be filled accurately. Although the prices is low, but the premium anti reflective coating is only $4.95, and also it charges only $4.95 for sunglass color tint coating. Beside that, there are many extras for free, like anti scratch coating, UV protection and lens edge polishing and beveling. Surely I will tell my friend about my Great Discovery: Zenni Optical.
Posted by onesecond at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Resources
Friday, January 25, 2008
Nice Vacation with Direct Line Cruises
So many places, but so little time, are you confuse how to pick your vacation place? And have you considered taking a cruise vacation but just aren’t sure if it would be right for you? Just imagine that you and your love one are walking along the deck of a grand cruise vessel as it gently keep rhythm with the waves, wow, its so romantic isn’t it? With all the cruise lines available, all the cruise destinations, the range of prices, there is a cruise for just about everyone. The Direct Line Cruises is a travel agency that offers discount cruise rates for various cruise lines such as Norwegian Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean. It’s really a great cruise line.
The Norwegian Cruise Line is known as freestyle cruising, it give you a complete freedom. At here you can feel free to do anything. You can eat anytime by way of a variety of restaurants and your choice of casual or formal attire. Also you can wear what you want to wear. If you don like this freestyle cruise, maybe you can choose the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. With this cruise line, you can enjoy your vacation on a huge and luxurious cruise, just like staying in a first rate resort hotel. Beside that, you can enjoy the music dancing, shows, fine dining, movies, game and also the Vegas style casino. If you want to explore the unspoiled natural wonders of Alaska , or shopping at Bermuda , of course you must choose this cruise line. Beside these destinations, the other cruise destination like Caribbean, Canada , Hawaii and European are also great place to visit.
Posted by onesecond at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Travelling
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Prepare Your Travel Health
Without careful planning heavy jet lag can ruin a trip or holiday overseas.
Jet lag occurs when the natural body clock is temporarily disrupted. This commonly occurs on long haul flights when you fly across several time zones and causes the travellerÂ’s internal clock to become out of sync with the external environment and the body begins to feel fatigue.
Most commonly jet lag occurs when you travel across several time zones, which disrupts your usual sleeping and eating patterns, as the body struggles to readjust itself to the new time zone.
The symptoms of jet lag very between individuals and some people may be fortunate enough to experience little or no jet lag following a long haul flight across several time zones. Common symptoms of jet lag include exhaustion, fatigue, inability to sleep, lack of appetite, head aches and a general feeling of disorientation.
OK, so knowing this information how can you beat the symptoms of jet lag? There are two core approaches which while may not entirely prevent jet lag can go a long way toward reducing the overall symptoms commonly associated with jet lag. The first is to ensure that your body is the optimum condition to fight against common features which contribute to jet lag, and the second is to try and ‘trick’ the body into maintaining its natural circadian rhythms.
1. Avoid alcohol: AlcoholÂ’s effect on the body is multiplied at altitude, so that the consumption of even relatively small amounts can be significantly be multiplied at altitude.
2. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Air cabins are controlled environments which tend to rely on recycled air through air conditioning units which can lead to enhanced dehydration and its associated problems, namely sleepiness, headaches and so on.
3. A long haul flight is a naturally tiring process, to ensure that you have the best chance of beating jet lag, it is important to ensure that you commence your flight relaxed and not-tired. While this may be difficult given the general stresses and strains of modern airports, a good nightÂ’s sleep and a short brisk walk prior to flying will certainly put your body in a better condition to fly.
4. Stay active throughout the flight. Regularly stretch your legs and move around the cabin as much as possible. Long periods of immobility will otherwise inevitably invoke tiredness.
5. Use the time zones to your advantage. By planning your journey carefully it is possible to use the time zones to your advantage to work reduce the effects of jet lag.
As such, the best time to arrive at your destination is during daylight hours when the sunlight will naturally alert your body.
The simple secret is to maintain the normal pattern of living in line with the time at your destination as quickly as possible. Thus, if you arrive at 10pm, even if you have slept for the whole of the flight you should try and go to sleep when you arrive. This is inevitably harder if you arrive in the evening as it is more difficult to unnaturally force yourself to sleep than to keep yourself awake.
To counter jet lag, it is therefore essential to aim to arrive at your destination at a time when you feel that you will be able to continue the normal living pattern of the destination. As hard as it may be to stay awake, the sooner you can recourse to the regular pattern of living at your destination the smaller the likelihood of being effected by Jet Lag.
Posted by onesecond at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Travelling
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Budget for Travel
This tend to be the first question asked by all backpackers, as budget defines not only the destinations you visit but also how long you will be able to travel for.
Naturally everyone has different 'comfort zones’ when they travel which will define their ultimate budget, nevertheless; there are several core costs that you should be able to research and predict prior to leaving which will enable you to provide a rough costing for your trip.
The most important thing to ensure is that you have sufficient leverage in your budget to accommodate unexpected expenses and any expenses that you may incur while you are away such as storage, mortgage payments or rent and utility bills.
Fixed travel expenses which you should be fairly easy to accurately calculate (assuming that you itinerary does not radically change) include flights, visas, immunisations and travel kit. Accommodation costs will vary between countries though you can roughly calculate such costs by browsing online for hostels at each of the main destinations that you plan to visit, as a general rule if you are staying in dorms it is unlikely that you will ever pay more than $35 per night in Western countries and $20 in non-Western countries, though it is possible find accommodation for far less. Other core costs include food, entertainment, visiting tourist attractions and overland local transportation which will be linked to personal preferences. Lonely Planet ( is an excellent resource which outlines approximate backpacking living costs for all major countries in their costs and expenses section.
Posted by onesecond at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Travelling
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Safety on Travelling
Going on travelling need us to prepare the safety, here are some questions you need to know about safety on Travelling:
Do I really need a Travel Insurance?
In short, yes. A basic travel insurance policy for a week long holiday can be bought online for under $15, and in extreme circumstances can equate to long term savings in excess of $1M.
Most people purchase travel insurance to protect their possessions, however, the real value in travel insurance lies in its medical cover and legal cover, which will ensure that no matter what happens to you in the world, your medical and legal costs will be covered.
When purchasing travel insurance always ensure that they offer a comprehensive medical and legal cover. Baggage cover is important, but will rarely cover the full value of the possessions that you are travelling with. Ensure that they operate an international 24hr contact helpline in the event of an accident or emergency, and always ensure that you collect all relevant paperwork, i.e. police incident report or medical paperwork when making claims. Always fully read the insurance policy, and contact your insurer if anything goes wrong as soon as possible. .
I am planning to go backpacking by myself. Will I be safe?
Nowhere in the world is one hundred percent safe, and the risk of crime and illness always exists whether at home or on holiday. Travellers tend to be particularly prone to crime, however, as they are faced with an unfamiliar environment and naturally stand out from the crowd.
Travelling alone (especially if you are female) will inevitably put you at a marginally higher risk than people travelling in groups, though a bit of common sense will ensure that you stay safe. In particular, it is important to maintain good contact with friends and family when youÂ’re on the road so that they have a reasonable idea of where you will be while youÂ’re away. A regular email charting your journey should suffice. Travelling alone can be a truly enlightening experience, and you may be surprised at how many new friends and companions you make along the way.
Researching your destination prior to travelling is essential to ensure a safe trip. The Travel.State.Gov ( and Foreign and Commonwealth Office for Travel ( are excellent resources, offering objective assessment of the travel risks associated travelling to any country in the world. Both sites are regularly updated with the latest travel information covering any potential risks, terrorism, natural disasters, disease, crime etc. within the region.
Take extra caution with valuables – never leave them unattended particularly in hotels, hostels, airports and restaurants. As far as possible, use hotel/hostel lockups and safes to protect important travel documents, and always travel with spare copies. Increasingly many travellers prefer to scan and email important travel documents to themselves, so that they can always access such details online.
Try to only carry small amounts of cash with you, carrying the rest of your travel budget on credit cards and as travellers cheques. A discrete travel belt is also a great way to protect money and credit cards when youÂ’re on the road. Likewise a small padlock on hand luggage is useful to perturb pickpockets.
Always be wary of strangers no matter how helpful and honest they may seem. It is safer to be rude and decline an offer of help, than endanger yourself. It is always a good idea to ask local hotel or hostel owner when you arrive in a new area if there are any areas that should be avoided. When out and about (particularly at night) try to avoid quiet areas and stick to well lit crowded areas as far as possible.
Under all circumstances avoid drugs. Different countries have different penalties for people supplying and possessing drugs.
Finally make sure that you have enough money for your travels, try to avoid pushing your budget to the absolute limit, otherwise you will not be able to accommodate any unexpected mishaps or misfortunes along the way.
Posted by onesecond at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Travelling