Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The biggest Sleep Thieves

The biggest "Sleep Thieves"?

Psychological Factors
Stress is considered the no.1 culprit to sleeping disorders. Mostly it is inter-related with school or job-related pressures, a family or marriage responsibilities, or illness in the family. The sleep problem gradually disappears when the stressful situation passes. When disturbed sleep due to the above influences, it is best to consult a physician to take early steps controlling poor sleep patterns.

Lifestyle Stressors
Unconsciously you are encouraging sleep disorders towards yourself as to the time you spent out on a late night drinking, irregular working hours or night activities, exercising near to bed time accelerating metabolism, and other mentally and psychical intense activities that will influence your sleep necessities.

Shift Work
Your own "biological rhythms" gives indication to make you stay awake irregular hours, from a night, day or split shift. It is a time bomb machine waiting to blown up.

Jet Lag
Traveling across several time zones influences your sleeping rhythm and gets it out of sync. Feeling jet-lag are often to the extreme of fatigue and decreased of performances either work or personal development. Environmental interferences.

Definitely to a point where external factors are as important in example, an extreme weather environment, noise pollutions or even the comfort zone of your bed or bedroom. Often when your partner is having sleep disturbance, you will be affected as well.

Physical Factors
Snoring, arthritis, backache or other sickness makes it difficult to sleep well at night. For women, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pregnancy or menopause will influence ones sleep.

Certain medications associated with high blood pressure, asthma, or depression can cause sleeping disorders upon consumption.

Important Things you should know about lack of sleep
1. Direct link and strong influence to over 20 medical problems - having heartburns, heart diseases, high risk of depression.
2. Lead to mental problems - hallucination, distorted thinking, extreme anxiety, paranoia.
3. Behavioral and disciplinary problems - strong effect on psychological patterns including school children and affecting grades.
4. Endanger others - while driving, heavy machine handlings and other hazardous working environment as due to lack of concentration.
5. Less personal development - decreased of the alert mind and body, thus the performance of oneself affects strongly.
6. Importantly it decreases the quality of life.

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