Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What is sleep

It is a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost. A decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimulations, a relaxation of muscles, lower pulse, intervals of dreaming possible or consid- brain hibernation.

Sleeping is as essential as air, food and water. It determines our state of health and for survival. Getting enough sleep is equivalent to getting enough air to keep you going. Our current society has adapted a culture of sleep-deprived society. Some has developed up to a 24-hour stay awake system busy with life, work, socializing with friends, family commitment and other additional responsibilities.

Most have the mentality of getting the most of 24-hours as the days has becoming shorter and shorter for us to do anything in life. One that suffers are not time but our body and mind as sleep has being sacrificed.

Wish you have 36 hours in a day?
You are not alone"

Lack of sleep. Your abilities will suffer:
Attenton and vigilance by 50%
Decision making abilities by 50%
Communication skills by 30%
Memory by 20%

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