Just login to blogger.com and found there are two new page elements have been add. They are Newsreel and Video Bar.
With the Newsreel, we can add the current headlines news from google just by add with some keywords we want. And the Video Bar use for add video clips from Youtube and Google Video to integrate with our blog, the readers can watch the video without leaving the page.
So easier to use with this new feature from blogger, thank's...
Friday, March 30, 2007
New Page Element on Blogger
Posted by onesecond at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Yahoo Mail Change Appearance
I have some accounts on Yahoo Mail, as usually to check mail. I notice one of my account have been change the appearance. Before that the background is Blue and White. Now with full white background. How about your account? Have been changed? This is happened to just one account. Maybe this is an of an update from yahoo for unlimited email space. You can see the different the image below.
New:We wait for other update from Yahoo
Posted by onesecond at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Top Tips for Men Skin Care
Do you want to keep your skin healthy? Here is some tips for your skin care (for men):
1. Daily ritual of shaving!
Shaving may be rough on the face and cause the skin to dry. Thus combat it with aftershave tightness and shaving it right. Steam face with a little hot water before applying cream to it. Always use a sharp razor blade to clean stroke the shaving cream away from the hair grain direction. Pre-shaved skin lotions are useful prior using electric razors and prevent dryness afterwards. Too much of sodium laureate in lather might cause irritation.
2. Weekly exfoliation treatment.
Weekly of pampering using mild cleansers and lukewarm water will work wonders. Moisturize it after treatment with soothing goodness of aloe Vera will be beneficial to any man's face.
3. Sunscreen them.
Sun with strong UV rays can easily damage your skin and leave you sunburned, chapping skins and freckles. Applying effective sunscreen after stepping out of the shower is good prevention.
4. Balanced diet.
Not the carrots only or the no-carb thing. Balanced meant regular physical activity at least 3 times a week with a detoxification diet including anti-oxidants to set the tone for a good skin care routine for men. Color your food daily. Beer is one color. Get varieties. (Not Blue Margherita and Tequila Sunrise but vegetables and meat)
5. Water Gulps!
Drinking minimum of 10-12 glasses of water daily keeps it hydrated. Caffeinated drinks and alcohol intake are best limited for a good health.
6. Daily deep cleansing.
This is due to most men have oilier face than women. Daily deep cleansing helps clean skin pores. Avoid chemical laden cleansing products or deodorant soap for the face to avoid harshness on skin. This helps to have a cleaner edge for shaving experiences.
Posted by onesecond at 2:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Men
Skin Care for men
It is as vital as putting on a shirt before heading out to work. Your skin is your second skin and your third skin, unlike women with many layers of skin. Men ought to take care of their skin to avoid any unwanted skin diseases, germs and sickness.
Without caring for your skin, your skin will age before you do due to the harmful sun and polluted environment.
You don't have to spend thousands for a facelift, if you start taking care of your skin the way a man should. Just appearing to look well groomed, you will be let your do the talking and reveal your age. Requires only little investment of your time daily you will be able to achieve that. Don't forget to trim those long eyebrows, it is super easy to have your face refreshed look.
Posted by onesecond at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Men
Tips Hygienic for You Men
Who says that only women need to take care of their personal hygiene and men deserves to keep it simple and worry not? Who wants to date a man who has dirty looking facial hair and messy goatee? Smelling like he just came out from a gym all the time, grey socks near to stall black? Nil. Picture this, man waving anxiously at his buddies, with his underarms hair poking out as long as his sister's 25 inches hair? Crumpled shirt to work daily with the smell of strong detergent? Sounds like you or someone you know? Men out there, we need to have a cleaning up act and woo those chicks!
Personal hygiene
Same Implication of a good personal hygiene: washing your hands, especially your body, being careful not to cough or sneeze on others, dispose correctly (in a bin) items that may have germs such as tissues, gloves, or condoms. You must know how to get you away from any risk of infection at all.
Start with the head. Yes, the hair, your hair. It is also part of your body. So, please get it cut when it is time. If you fancy long tresses, keep it trimmed, tied or fashioned the way it should be. The mad scientist hair is less appealing for sure!
Shampoo: Get shampoos with conditioner in it. You won't want to look like all hair-wired, coarse and hard. This is also applicable for dreadlocks for extra hair care.
High bridge nose, with sharp features and sexy aftershave, you smile. Rotten teeth. Reverse gear please. Brush your teeth twice a day at least, once in the morning after eating and again before bed, is recommended. Some brush their teeth after every meal. Brushing for 2-3 minutes each time is recommended. Gently brush all sides using a circular motion. Do not swallow the toothpaste. (Alkaline) It will not cure gastrointestinal problems.
Toothbrushes: Used for 3 to 4 months and dispose.
Toothpaste: You can opt for flavored or non-flavored. Mint is the best. Watch sensitive teeth as well. Mouthwash: Gaggle with mouthwash (eg: Listerine) twice a day is recommended.
Posted by onesecond at 1:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Tips for better Yoga Practices
If you want to do a Yoga practices, here is some tips for you before you practices it:
- Consult your general practitioner to ensure you are not pregnant and are able to begin yoga.
- Women should avoid headstand poses during menstruation.
- Before starting your practice, empty bladder and bowels.
- If possible get expert personal attention and including supervision.
- Wear comfortable clothes and avoid garments that pinch or restrict circulation.
- Exercise in your bare feet for body's natural alignment and balance.
- Recommended to practice Yoga in the mornings, afternoons or evenings as long two hours after the meals to avoid upset stomach.
- Away from direct sunlight or in well-ventilated room and spacious.
- All poses should be with control and not in a rush.
- A pose can be held for 10 to 20 seconds during the start but later can be reduced to around 5 seconds.
- During asanas, exhale and inhale with your nose, with your mouth gently sealed.
- Close your eyes are recommended during asanas to get in touch with your inner self.
- Be consistent with your timings, either of quantity of timing or number of days.
Posted by onesecond at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Basic Home Yoga Session
Basic Home Yoga sessions will be the best for you and it doesn't require huge gym equipment. You need only 30 minutes and a Yoga mat or blanket. No big exercise space needed.
You will be surprised how flexible and amazed with your abilities, you though you could never achieve it. The seven primary types of movements that your body can make through Yoga exercise are flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, rotation, and circumduction (contraction of muscles). Yoga is one good way of relaxation. The Yoga exercise is also believed to make a practitioner look younger as literally it provides inner peace and radiant health.
Posted by onesecond at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Branches of Yoga
Branches of Yoga
The yogic curriculum varies among individuals according to personal needs and goals. Some might be interested in meditating; he can adhere to the mental exercises. Opposites for the healthy options, well-toned body achievement with postures and breathing exercises.
3 Branches of Yoga:
•KARMA, BHAKTI and JNANA yoga highlight the spirit
•RAM yoga explores the mind
•HATHA yoga focuses on the body
KARMA yoga - Humanitarian action and helping others is the most important duty in life.
BHAKTI yoga - Spiritual realization, teaches divine love and devotion through emotional control and ethical conduct.
JNANA yoga - Process of reasoning uncovers deep-seated truths underlying life. Students are taught to discriminate between the real and the unreal.
RAJA yoga - Learn how to gain the power of mental concentration. Emphasized the final four stages:
1. Abstraction of the senses (pratyahara)
2. Fixed attention (dharana)
3. Meditation (dhyana)
4. Super conscious experience (Samadhi)
HATHA yoga - Controlling physical body, health and well-being. Sun "HA" and moon "THA", strives for perfect equilibrium.
Posted by onesecond at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
10 Key Fundamental Principles of Yoga
What is the key fundamental principles of Yoga? You can find it below:
1. Yoga is traditionally a liberation teaching. It guides us to free ourselves from historical limitations to grow into something greater and better.
2. Yoga is a progressive process of replacing our unconscious into new behavior towards a better life. It is also to achieve self-transformation and practice patience.
3. Various style to accommodate everyone's needs and abilities:
- Raja-Yoga "Royal Yoga" - liberation through meditation
- Hatha-Yoga 'Forceful Yoga" - liberation through physical transformation
- Maria-Yoga "Wisdom of Yoga" - liberation through steady application of higher wisdom
- Karma-Yoga "Action Yoga" - liberation through self-transcending service, relinquishing egos
- Bhakti-Yoga "Devotional Yoga" - liberation through self-surrender
- Tantra-Yoga "Continuity Yoga" - liberation through visualization, ritual, subtle energy work
- Mantra-Yoga "Yoga of Potent Sound" - liberation through the repetition (aloud or mental) of empowered sounds (such as om, ham, ram, hare Krishna, etc.)
4. Yoga is a journey of theory and practice. It is a calling for thoughtful and mindful practice.
5. To understand Yoga completely, one must benefit from a good many yogic practices even without instruction.
6. Learning how to untangle our lives to better our lives.
7. Self-discipline is vital as yoga requires commitment.
8. Yoga is made up of plenty of practices, both physical and mental.
9. Focus is the key to making improvements with yoga.
10. All forms of Yoga have their foundation of moral life with moral virtues like nonviolence, truthfulness, and abstention from theft, compassion and kindness. These are the basics of living a positive life. Without a firm ground in these principles, Yoga cannot lead us to its ultimate goat of liberation.
Posted by onesecond at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Darkness: Story Trailer [PS2] Video
All right, try to add a video from youtube.com,
This video from a comic called darkness and now they are making it a game looks pretty cool. See this trailer, maybe you want to play this game
Posted by onesecond at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Video
Reincarnate Your Mind
Reincarnate Your Mind
One of practice to relaxing your mind is Yoga. Easy relaxation yoga poses for the time-constrain. It is a light and basic way to rejuvenate your exhausted mind and soul with Simple House Yoga.
Introduction to Yoga
Letting the positive energy channeled through yoga brings a dramatic improvement to life, body, mind and how you look. You will feel good with the implication of Yoga. Through yoga, one learns how to respect their own body, viewing stress as negative factor that will channel through personal growth and effect pessimistically. By yoga, you learn to control and stretch your body elastically, directions, positioning and purpose to the context or rejuvenating.
The mother of Yoga
Look to the Eastern Philosophy. The Early Indians developed a method to exceed our limitation of our senses with Yoga. Through conscious control of physical and mental activity, the individuals practicing yoga can master their surroundings and rise to a higher spiritual level.
The vocabulary
Yoga: Derive for Sanskrit root "yug"
Meaning: to link or join together
Alternative word: Balance
Defined objective: Yoga is designed to balance the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of an individual. As the mind and soul approach equilibrium, human increased the awareness of identifying its own identity and relationship with the external world.
Science of Yoga: Yoga is an empirical science based on observations and reflections of experience or introspection. It is also considered the science of self-fulfillment allowing us to utilize our capabilities to the fullest.
"Yoga is designed to balance the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of and individual"
Posted by onesecond at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Labels: Health
10 Things That Make Men Happy
Ladies, you expect men to make you happy all the time. And not making any effect to sweep him off his feet once a while? Maybe this will make him drool a little over you for a long, long time. Men, note if these are in your poker book scribbles..
1. Love
All you need is love...(personification of Ewan in Moulin Rouge) All men need is lots of love. Tender loving care. They are baby boys wanting to be pampered. Whichever way the relationship develops to, it is love that matters. Without love, the status doesn't go beyond the 'friend' status.
2. Heart of gold
Men are commonly blinded with selfish women of material craze or others just for the mere pleasure of themselves. Men loves the New rule, woman with a soft heart of gold, being a giver (at times taker), but mostly gives more to men, you will make men happy. But you have got to make sure the kindness doesn't go overboard for a 24/7 charity show, else relationship doomed!
3. Ambitious
Men and women love challenges. If women have the ambition and the desire to succeed in life, it gives you the similar drive and passion for their life growth. Start with her personal perspective of life, then move on to career and family. What was reflected are inner desires of to make better. You can be less assured that she will not be independent enough now.
4. Sense of humor
Nothing beats a good laugh or a smile at the end of a stressful working day with a woman. A medicine presented in woman, able to make men laugh or boost confidence of men able to make women laugh. Either ways it is good release of endorphins and lightens burden. Having a sense of humor is like a magnet to the fridge. If you find it hard to laugh, better seek your heart for depression symptom.
5. Intelligence with confidence
Smart woman are intriguing but too smart of a woman, more than men, are a big no no. At least not in front of them or appropriate timing to tell men, women are as smart only not as arrogance. (minus some minority though) When women tries to act smart and be demanding, that is the time they head for the highway. Of course, men love women of wit, intelligence with confidence yet knowing when to present them out leaving the male genders to respect in return.
6. Trust and honesty
In a relationship, it is important not to have skeletons in the closet. But successful relationships are nothing but heaps of trust and honesty; in a way that no alarming lies and hidden agendas behind each other back. Men, you won't want to have a woman cheating behind your back (unless you are one yourself) and still pretends like nothing happened. Mistakes are meant to be corrected but in a proper way...So women, tackle men in a gentle way (but men will still keep the secrets of those Playboys magazines...)
7. Respect
What men wanted last in their wish list is being embarrassed by women in public. Or the bedroom. Or the kitchen. Oh well, everywhere. Pride of men is just too glassy. Handle with care women of the world. Probably if woman criticize in a proper way, men will take it less hard and remind themselves of the actions not the words to pay attention to. This has to be dealt to make men a better lover, father or partner and so on, but preferably with a little humor helps to ease the pain of criticism.
8. Shapely body
Men refuses to admit they want to be with a woman where people literally turn their heads to look. Yes, a bunch of show offs. Ego. Well of course good body means you are healthy with those curves. So get that body tone up and you will make your man happy.
9. A pretty face
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. On external beauty that will last only spur of a moment but for longer stand, just a pretty face doesn't work. Men like beautiful things without a doubt. You will be your own evaluation to the inner beauty gentlemen.
10. Charm spells
Having the charm or semi-charmed life is better than being 'charmless!' 'Dangerously addictive' charm of a woman to get that table for couples in a 101% packed restaurant for dinner or getting out of trouble with patrol officer for hitting the red lights (excuses of being late for meeting and of course her mesmerizing charm). Simply because your woman was charming, the power comes automatically, satisfying her needs or your preferably, in a good way though. It doesn't take just stunning woman to attract men, but a charming woman will be stunning in her ways.
Phew, a list, women find beneficial yet men ego boost drink. Mellow down gentleman, surprise them flat faced ladies. Relationship is all about adventure.
Posted by onesecond at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Men
Men Vital Tips
You think women need to know everything about colors whereby men doesn't? Wrong verdict. Men ought to know the rights and wrongs. What could be more disastrous than green checkered pants with a pink plain top with silk tie? Clown. Men with brilliant color sense attracts and could be hazardous to both men and women. You get turned heads over siesta time! These are the tips for better color management for men, and men alone.
Summer is Colors!
Get your signature color for the summer. Black brown doesn't belong to summer tough chap!
Stay away from beige colored shirts.
When worn upper body, beige doesn't compliment the face. Scarcely a good color for anyone basically.
French blue is always a good choice.
French blue, which is a rich medium blue, is a flattering color for most skin tones.
Colorful socks are out.
You can be mistakenly working for Royal London Circus of an overgrown man.
Keep color around face.
Find flattering colors enhancing skin and eye color around face. Avoid those pulls color off your masculine face to fainting wimp.
Avoid loud patterns.
They can be distracting and some are just inappropriate except your back in the seventies...
Be observant.
Take a look around and be inspired by advertisements or store latest displays. Let you imaginations run wild and learn to play with colors like Italians!
Posted by onesecond at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Men
Colors that Represents the Women
Popular for its light and neutral shade. Symbolizes purity, cleanliness and innocence. Nothing beats the elegant snowy white wedding gown while bride is walking down the aisle. Matches with anything and everything, darkblue denims, khaki pants, beach Bermudas or camouflage pants! Most preferred during summer for tops for a carefree true nature!
Sophisticated, stylish, mysterious. The king of all kings. Forever prestigious. Easier selections for bottoms as it goes with tops of any colors. Black gives slimming effect and hides the unpleasant bulge. Glamorous with sparking accessories for evening wear while professionalism corporate suit.
Ambitious, love, passionate and loves challenges. That represents the expressive you. What could be more alluring than a lady in red? Illustrated excitement! Often attracts and eye-catching, leading towards feeling of hot pot, spot and 'bod' of the wearer.
A big smile, happiness and cheerful sunshine mood. Represents casualty and friendly you. Gives subtle effect of attraction and excitement compared to red. Immediate lifts of joy, liveliness and optimism pairs well to illustrate the inner playful and youthful spirit.
You just can't get enough of a shade of blue and wear them religiously. It is a cooling color and popular as it is a soothing, relaxed and gives a calming feeling. Daytime wear are favorable and associated with inspiration and refreshing sea and sky lift of freedom. You can just chill and relax with your jeans and remain approachable.
Feminine, warm soft touch. Cotton candy effect of sweet surrender for guys. They can't help feeling attracted to a dash of pink. Taking the scent of a woman into the color coordinating soften bold characters. Thus, remember, going overboard of a pink panther attire will be fashion disasters. Just let your simplicity posh takes the lead.
In the color chart, they are many other remarkable emotional colors as well as statement colors to represents your mood of the day or your personality. From green to orange to brown to fushia, the list goest eternity of possible colors.
Investing in most neutral color will be good to compliment vibrant strong bright colors for vast varieties of your wardrobe. Just don't buy 6 different shades of the same pattern of tops to avoid looking like rainbow days of mannequin.
Creativity of colors is for you to explore. Have fun....
Posted by onesecond at 4:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Women
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Top 5 Mens Accessories
Moving into preparation for fall, men's accessories are as important as facial care for personal grooming. Not only limited to the latest mobile or the fastest motherboard to be installed but about fashion as well. Take note guys.
1. Leather Gloves
Cashmere lined leather gloves are the ultimate steal. Warm your hands stylishly and matches with almost any materials. That is well-groomed gentleman.
2. Merino Wool or Cashmere Scarf
Merino wool are soft but only when you get of better quality for irritation avoidance around your neck. Splurging on a cashmere scarf you will be very grateful you did it.
3. Stylish Laptop Computer Bag
Sleek leather with smart pockets to store your Palm or others alongside with your laptop will be a wise choice. Be organize guys, it pays, those impressions.
4. Sunglasses
If the sun is still out despite its fall or winter, beat the others with your killer shades, both for fashion statement and eye protection. No rules of sunglasses for summers only.
5. An Umbrella
Rain..rain..rain. Like the English weather. You will never know when it comes. Compact ones are easiest to carry around and less bulky in Metros.
Posted by onesecond at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Men
5 Top Tips Complimenting You
Are you a man? As a man born with natural instincts, it normal to have them staring at a women who understand the rule of complimenting their gifted body shapes. Hence, advanced international trades increased degrees of commercial purchasing especially among women. From tops to dresses to strings to bathing suits, the list seems endless parallel with idea of dressing tips revamp. Ladies in the closet..come out and have a little adventure, dress your best.
1. Be wary and find out your 'charming point' if not your biggest assets or killer looks. Everyone has a special something in them, is it your shoulders, silky legs, sexy necklines or the Lara Croft body? It is then for you to polish and focus on that area.
2. Pick apparel that compliments the spot, for instance, off shoulders or tank tops for your toned shoulders or low-cuts for your irresistible cleavage.
3. Sheer tops are sexy and feminine to have a little peek-a-boo undergarments, or nice soft feminine undergarments. Avoid tackiness of sheer whites with black inners.
4. Accessories twist plains to elegance. A choker draws attention to the neck. If you have shallow short necks avoid chokers. Pendant or necklace brings attention below neck. Bigger necklace expands face shape.
5. Soft, extra femininity revealed with frills, lace, ribbons, strings especially on tops. The 'Barbie doll' effects on grown adult should be reasonable to avoid 'overgrown labels.
Posted by onesecond at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Women
12 Secrets To Sleeping Tight
There are so many people couldn't sleep tight at the night. What could be better than feeling a new the next day, refreshed? No waking ups in the wee mornings counting sheep and running ten thousands of miles mentally... These tips will make you sleep in no time...
1. Practice a regular routine.
Establish a regular routine that includes going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle is the key to better health overall.
2. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise, even for 20 minutes, 3 times a week, promotes better sleep cycle.
3. Get more sunlight.
Sufficient natural sunlight will react to the body indicating the circadian rhythms are on the right track.
4. Relax before bedtime.
Push the stressful matter of tomorrows at the back of your mind and relax with soft music, reading or a warm bath to accelerate good sleep.
5. Adequate amount of sleep every night.
Keeping track of your sleeping time schedule weekly and avoid 'sleep thief' to rejuvenate your body and mind.
6. Go to bed when you are sleepy.
Do not refrain yourself to finish the book and try to stay awake when you are sleepy. Your body is telling you they need rest when you have heavy eyelids.
7. Eat magnesium-rich food.
This is good to avoid difficulty sleeping, anxiety, pain, muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome due to lack of magnesium in the body. Found in food of such: dark-green leafy vegetables, almond, whole grain, legumes and seeds.
8. Reduce intake of Caffeine and Nicotine.
4-6 hours prior sleeping, your body should be not working as stimulants keeping you awake from deep sleep.
9. Sleeping aids usage.
Use it conservatively and avoid it by all means, unless prescribed strictly by physicians.
10. Bed for sleeping and intimacy only. Make a point that television belongs to the lounge not bedroom or working place on the bed. It should be trained strictly for a place of intimacy or sleep.
11. Don't nap for more than 30 minutes or after 3 p.m.
Avoiding all tempting naps will add to the degree of tiredness at night for easier.
12. Avoid heavy meals as dinner or supper.
Hearty meals are both bad for health and your sleeping patterns. Grab a light snack if hunger pangs attack just before bedtime.
Sleep is as essential as air for breathing, water for body and knowledge for brains. Sleep is a rejuvenating process for your drained body mind and soul in our daily encounters. It is a biological need for Homo sapiens. Even fish sleeps without closing their eyes (no eyelids), dogs take a rest, computers have shut down buttons, the day turned night, and thus it is universal to have sufficient sleep be part of our life. Sleep tight tonight...it is for survival.
Posted by onesecond at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
How Herbal Helps To Sleep Better
How Herbal Helps To Sleep Better
Still in the sleep topic, everyone want have a fit body I think..
Restless nights. Extremely tired the next day. The sheep just won't cooperate! Researches of how herb plays a role in assisting you to have a peaceful and rejuvenating sleep. Well known fact that caffeine intoxicated drinks such as coffee and tea, disturb sleep. Certain herbs have the calming effects on our body which helps us for a better night sleep.
Below is the herbs and benefits of them.
•As an anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, stomachic, tonic, vasodilatory
•Anti-inflammatory activity, accelerates wound healing, combats certain bacteria
•Alternative treatment for insomnia
•Restoring health of nervous system and difficulties falling asleep
•Calming effects for anxiety, tension, irritability and moderate depression
Passion Flower
•Treatment for insomnia and nervousness
•Sedative in nervous disorders including gastrointestinal problems of nervous origin, anxiety or restlessness
•Smooth muscles within the body, better digestion
•Sedative for disorders such as restlessness, anxiety
•As sleep aid for nervous tension
•Heart palpitations, excessive sweating, repeated awakenings
•Traditional reputation of treating insomnia
Posted by onesecond at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Myths of Sleep
Myths of Sleep
1. Insomnia illustrated as difficulty of falling asleep.
Difficulty falling asleep is one of the main symptoms of insomnia. With waking up too early, feeling drained when awakens and unable to resume sleeping after awakening are among other symptoms. If one of these occurs few times a week, please consult a general practitioner.
2. Awaken middle of the night, it is recommended to 'force' yourself back to sleep by all means.
Not intoxicating with alcohol to make your sleepy, or counting the black sheep but relaxing with music or by reading and heading back to bed when you are sleepy. Maybe an unattractive book to make your fall asleep while reading would help.
3. "Cheats" on the amount of sleep.
We always have the mentality of sleeping less today and 'pay back' in future with accumulated sleep deprivation hours. Thus this practice adds up to a huge amount of 'sleep debt' that links health problems such as hypertension, decreased productivity, emotionally disturbed and obesity.
4. Snoring is common among men but harmless.
Claims of it being harmless but it is a symptom of a sleeping disorder which can be life threatening called sleep apnea. Experiences of severe daytime sleepiness, gasping for breath during night awakenings and hypertensions are all risk of the disorder. Consult a physician if snoring continues and louder than usual.
5. Brain rests during sleep.
The body rest, instead the brains are getting 'recharged' and still controls body functions. When we sleep, we drifts into two sleep states of REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM, in 90-minute cycles. REM sleep is an active sleep where dreams occur and our breathing and heart rate increase indicating the brains are still active.
6. Sleeping teens are undisciplined and are /or lazy.
Teens needs more sleep due to their active lifestyle and metabolism rate. Their biological clock complies with late evening alertness and sleep in the wee hours of mornings. Class begins early, thus most are still in the stage of 'semi-consciousness'. Alertness resumed at mid morning.
7. Daytime sleepiness represents not enough sleep.
Daytime sleepiness (extremely sleepy, drowsy, or not alert) even after sufficient hours of sleeps indicates a sleeping disorder for the individual. It is risky to have such disorder and need extra consultation from physicians.
8. Blasted radio, fresh air, or chilled temperatures are effective to keep alertness while driving.
Best to take a short nap of 15 - 45 minutes before resume to driving as these aids might counter-fire for individuals' safety and leads to road hazards.
9. Health problems are unrelated to amount and quality of a person's sleep. They are in fact related, in example, insufficient of sleep induced growth hormone secretion to decrease with chances of weight gains. Interrupted sleep during 'deep cycle' leads to hypertension and cardiovascular problems. Thus, sleep is as essential as it is a healthy life style to prevent health problems attacking.
10. Less sleep needed as you grow older.
This myth went amok as we still need the standard 7-9 hours of sleep regardless of age of an adult. Only naps are frequent among seniors to promote wakefulness after the nap.
Posted by onesecond at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Most has declared they only need couple of hours to sleep as there are just too many things going on in their life, proudly. What they are unaware is the deprivation that leads to destruction of their health in a slow mode.
Other find themselves feeling refreshed after 4-5 hours of sleep, some needs 8-9 hours. While others seems to never have enough of sleep regardless of the time and overdosed over weekend. Sounds familiar? You are not alone...
Let us find out how much is enough... or should be enough for the time being?
12 years and younger - Infants are well known for sleepy heads, as they require about 16 hours a day. Starting from six months to 3 years, children requires about 14 hours of sleep to rejuvenate their body and mind.
Teenagers - Nine hours of sleep a night is considered essential. This is the growing up process thus getting enough sleep is crucial as their bodies releases hormone and of higher metabolism.
Adults - Commonly among adults, 7- 8 hours is the best for a maximized body exhaustion recovery although some individuals requires only 5 - 10 hours of sleep. According to a medical research, those of less than six hours and more than nine hours have increased probabilities to diabetes.
Pregnant Women - Especially during the first trimester, sleeping well is usual moreover during the whole pregnancy, sleeping excessive hours is common.
Posted by onesecond at 2:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
How Sleep Affects You Body and Mind
Settle in, relax and have loads of space for yourself ...How sleep affects your body and mind Part II will take care of your insomnia worries...
Most of us have the problem with getting into bed, out of bed and in bed alone as you just can't get that zzz feeling to flow smoothly? These are the tips for a better day time habit, better environment and hitting waking ups.
Your sleeping sanctuary
Making sure that you have your 'Beddology' or your bedroom and bed comfortable and suitable for sleeping environment.
1. Large enough and comfortable bed - if you are comfortable having more space, change the size of bed and getting enough pillows for your neck support. Cotton sheets are the most comfortable of all and get warmed up with duvet if you wish.
2. Peaceful bedroom - Well ventilated and consistent temperature for the body is vital and the environment should be soothing.
3. Bedroom is for sleeping only - Make point a that televisions belongs to the lounge not bedroom or as a working place. It should be trained to be a place for intimacy or rest
4. Hide your clock - put it at one corner away from your side table and non-visible to avoid keeping track of time while in bed
Posted by onesecond at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Friday, March 23, 2007
How to make Read More in New Blogger
Do you know, the default template from blogger, we can't do an expandable post. If we have a long articles, it's a good to make it short in the frontpage.
Here is a simple tips that we can create an expandable post summaries. Just following the step below ( I have implemented in this blog):
- Login to blogger.com, then choose the blog you want to edit, click the layout then edit html.
- Don't forget to check the expand widget templates, otherwise you can't edit the full template.
- Put the following code before the </head> tag or exactly after }]]></:skin> code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}
- You have finish the first step, next to make the post cut, find this <p><data:post.body/></p> code in your template, then add this following code after it:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'> Read More..</a>
- It's finishing for the template edit. Now, make sure everytime your post you just need to add the tag <span class="fullpost">...</span> for the article you want to be cut.
This is a simple tips for you to create an expandable posting in new blogger. Just following this tutorial step by step, this is not difficult.
<span class="fullpost">Don't forget this tutorial is for new blogger, not a classic blogger.</span>
You will see your posting like this:
This is a simple tips for you to create an expandable posting in new blogger. Just following this tutorial step by step, this is not difficult.
Read More..
Finish. Ok, see you next time...
Posted by onesecond at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tips
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Happy Couples How do they do it
Thinking that some of those couples you saw were just so happy. Yes. All the time. But how do they do it? Of course they had rows but yet... Find out the tricks to stay happily ever-after couple.
Trick 1: Appreciation
Think of what makes you interested in your partner, her way of holding her fork while eating, or just the way he combs his hair in front of the foggy mirror? Little things that you grow to be fond of each other brings you to understand more of each other.
Mutual respect and admiration towards two people plays a roll to compliment each other. Seeing him sing in the shower does crack the little smile to your face. It sounds small little thing, but to think that you are as fantastic to your partner as who you really are and accepting it, that is the hot chemistry!
Trick 2: Fight Equally
It is impossible to have relationship without arguments. But fair ones keeps the oil burning. Both must focus on the issue not taking it to a personal level where it is linked emotionally and moving to another side of the story.
The temptation to say' I told you so' is very much inflicted by couples. Both will have to be honest with each other and have open discussions instead of throwing judgmental opinions towards each other.
Trick 3: Share a venture
Be it a community work you both enjoyed or just the team for triathlon, exploring it together, will increase the level of closeness and understanding. Building each other up and encouragement will strengthen your relationship.
It is with the same interest and determination for growing together adds to the separate interests aside. Exploring new grounds together is also important as it strengthens your history of shared experiences to get the chemistry kicking!
Trick 4: Romancing
Successful happy couples learn to build romance at any time or place, regardless while doing laundry, ordering a takeaway, their daily routine commute, they have discovered the way to express romance at unexpected situations.
It may be just holding hands or a lingering smooch while saying goodnight or simple peek on the check for see you later. Making the times to keep the closeness together is important to stay attached emotionally.
Trick 5: Cultivate own personal space
Having to go to your own professional club while he is off golfing is a good development space for both. It is good to be able to grow individual interest as that will increase the curiosity of the other partner towards each others.
Solo adventures will keep both of you busy telling stories and encounters when you meet and increase the intimacy of sharing. It does influence the independent and dependent to your partner in a relationship. Knowing your own space will be good for personal mind exploration.
Trick 6: Keep up your sex life
Getting too comfortable and routine always makes couples forget what is needed to keep couples happy. It is their sex life that adds to the spice. Having more intimacy does affect your relationship.
It is not that you have to go to the wild side but merely sweetness of kissing till sun comes down does brings sex to a heat up. Most couples who are happier claimed that their healthy sex life and yes, it is a good exercise. So have fun.
Posted by onesecond at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Relationships
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Benefits of Good Sleep
1. Feeling fresh and energized in the morning after a good night sleep
2. Memory abilities are much better and higher concentration at work or school
3. Your body immune system will be stronger and antibody works efficiently without medication assistance
4. Decreases the risk of sickness associated with lack of sleep such as high-blood pressure, obesity, stress and depression
5. You live longer as to you are healthier
6. Balanced temperament and less mood swings
The benefit goes as long as the list of a petition. No doubt, in current modern days of commitment, we refuse to sleep early and making ourselves deprived of it as to we do not want to miss anything just in case. No knowing that, without a good sleep daily, all those activities desired will not be possible in short term.
Keeping a handsome amount of sleep and knowing what is best for your mind, body and soul goes a long way. It is deadly to take away sleep from a human body in long term. Practice a healthy lifestyle with a healthy sleep schedule.
Posted by onesecond at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Effects of Sleep-debts
Brain functions literally degraded by prolonged waking. The chemistry and physical strength will decrease as to the nerves are kept awake and linked to the brains to tell it that it is exhausted and refuse to work its normal speed or capabilities.
Slow mental process
Accumulated sleep lost will slow down the mental alertness and decreases reactions by 45%. Logical reasoning ability will then contribute to making errors even at the slightest ordinary situations. Thus it will effect the performances of both adult and school children.
Learning new, skills
Sleep is vital for increasing the process of learning. It is required to restore the information gained and make full use if it. Sleeping minimally 8 hours helps to mould the techniques required to absorb the learning skills better.
There are many other factors and effects for lacking in sleeping. Concept and approach for sleep should be altered as human need to sleep in order for wellness. There is no point sacrificing all the time in the world for sleep over little short-term entertainment or chosen hectic life. Relaxed and cleared mind comes with a good nights' sleep.
Posted by onesecond at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Important Things you should know about lack of sleep
1. Direct link and strong influence to over 20 medical problems - having heartburns, heart diseases, high risk of depression.
2. Lead to mental problems - hallucination, distorted thinking, extreme anxiety, paranoia.
3. Behavioral and disciplinary problems - strong effect on psychological patterns including school children and affecting grades.
4. Endanger others - while driving, heavy machine handlings and other hazardous working environment as due to lack of concentration.
5. Less personal development - decreased of the alert mind and body, thus the performance of oneself affects strongly.
6. Importantly it decreases the quality of life.
Posted by onesecond at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The biggest Sleep Thieves
The biggest "Sleep Thieves"?
Psychological Factors
Stress is considered the no.1 culprit to sleeping disorders. Mostly it is inter-related with school or job-related pressures, a family or marriage responsibilities, or illness in the family. The sleep problem gradually disappears when the stressful situation passes. When disturbed sleep due to the above influences, it is best to consult a physician to take early steps controlling poor sleep patterns.
Lifestyle Stressors
Unconsciously you are encouraging sleep disorders towards yourself as to the time you spent out on a late night drinking, irregular working hours or night activities, exercising near to bed time accelerating metabolism, and other mentally and psychical intense activities that will influence your sleep necessities.
Shift Work
Your own "biological rhythms" gives indication to make you stay awake irregular hours, from a night, day or split shift. It is a time bomb machine waiting to blown up.
Jet Lag
Traveling across several time zones influences your sleeping rhythm and gets it out of sync. Feeling jet-lag are often to the extreme of fatigue and decreased of performances either work or personal development. Environmental interferences.
Definitely to a point where external factors are as important in example, an extreme weather environment, noise pollutions or even the comfort zone of your bed or bedroom. Often when your partner is having sleep disturbance, you will be affected as well.
Physical Factors
Snoring, arthritis, backache or other sickness makes it difficult to sleep well at night. For women, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pregnancy or menopause will influence ones sleep.
Certain medications associated with high blood pressure, asthma, or depression can cause sleeping disorders upon consumption.
Important Things you should know about lack of sleep
1. Direct link and strong influence to over 20 medical problems - having heartburns, heart diseases, high risk of depression.
2. Lead to mental problems - hallucination, distorted thinking, extreme anxiety, paranoia.
3. Behavioral and disciplinary problems - strong effect on psychological patterns including school children and affecting grades.
4. Endanger others - while driving, heavy machine handlings and other hazardous working environment as due to lack of concentration.
5. Less personal development - decreased of the alert mind and body, thus the performance of oneself affects strongly.
6. Importantly it decreases the quality of life.
Posted by onesecond at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
What is sleep
It is a natural periodic state of rest for the mind and body, in which the eyes usually close and consciousness is completely or partially lost. A decrease in bodily movement and responsiveness to external stimulations, a relaxation of muscles, lower pulse, intervals of dreaming possible or consid- brain hibernation.
Sleeping is as essential as air, food and water. It determines our state of health and for survival. Getting enough sleep is equivalent to getting enough air to keep you going. Our current society has adapted a culture of sleep-deprived society. Some has developed up to a 24-hour stay awake system busy with life, work, socializing with friends, family commitment and other additional responsibilities.
Most have the mentality of getting the most of 24-hours as the days has becoming shorter and shorter for us to do anything in life. One that suffers are not time but our body and mind as sleep has being sacrificed.
Wish you have 36 hours in a day?
You are not alone"
Lack of sleep. Your abilities will suffer:
Attenton and vigilance by 50%
Decision making abilities by 50%
Communication skills by 30%
Memory by 20%
Posted by onesecond at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Health
The Toilet Nanny Talk to You
This needs no explanation for men as there will be a voice announcing 'Excuse me Sir, please try to urinate IN the toilet, NOT on the floor, and PUT THE SEAT DOWN when you are finished. Thank you'.
This new invention will be very much appreciated by both genders to be reminded to put down the seat for the next user. Hygiene problem will be then solve, oh well maybe not the wet floor but at least the seat is down'
Posted by onesecond at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gadgets
How the dishwasher works?
A dishwasher is equivalent to a robot that cleans and rinses dirty dishes.
It has a timer that operates like a small computer, regulating length of each cycle. There are sensors to detect water and air temperature, water level and some that can detect the dirtiness of the water coming off from the dishes.
Compartments of a dishwasher:
Control mechanism
Located inside the door behind the control panel. Most are using simple electro-mechanical system, which works like timer. Modern units have computerized control system, door latch or child safety locks.
Intake valve
The main supply of water to the dishwasher. When the valve opens, water pressure drives the water into the unit without pumping in water.
An electric motor ontrols the pump is situated at the bottom of the basin, in the center of the dishwasher. During pump cycle, water forces up into the spray arms from the pump's pressure. During the drain cycle, the pump automatically directs water into the drain hose.
The magic of a dishwashers:
•Fills itself water and heats, it at appropriate temperature
•Opens detergent dispenser automatically
•Shoots water through jets to get the dishes clean
•Drains the dirty water and rinses dishes
•Optional to dry the dishes off
Inside Dishwasher
Watertight and not filled with water.
Small basin at the bottom fills up.
Maximum heating goes up to 130 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
A pump will propels water to the water jets spraying against the dirty dishes. Drying the dishes is an optional cycle.
Needless to say, common problems occur from dishwashers includes getting he dishes squeaky clean, stuck-on food or detergent, low water pressures due performance of water intake valve or minerals in the waters that will clog up the jets.
But to think of it, we don't have to stand all night cleaning the party plates from last night's barbeque. Isn't that nice?
This is four Guideline to using a Dishwasher:
Don't use regular dish soap. Use only those designed for dishwasher.
Don't overload the dishwasher. Space needed for water jets to spray onto the dishes.
Don't mix steel and silver items to avoid corrosion.
Don't put wood, cast iron; fine china, crystal or hand-painted dishes into the dishwasher.
Posted by onesecond at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Science
Monday, March 19, 2007
How Ice Cream Works
The standard ice cream according to the US standards must consist of least 10 % milk fat, and a minimum of six % non-fat milk solids. A gallon of ice cream has to weigh at least 4.5 pounds.
Milk fats (referred as butter fat) are used in ice cream from the range of minimum 10 % to a maximum of 16 %.
Most premium ice creams uses 14 % milk fat. The higher the percentage the creamier and tastier it is. Anything higher than 16 % will be costly and high in calories, which is hazardous for consumers and bad market for suppliers.
Frozen desserts, such as sorbets, low-fat ice cream, and frozen yogurt, are not considered ice cream. Frozen custard is ice cream as it contains a minimum of 1.4 % egg yolk.
Scientific explanation
Ice cream is a colloid, a type of emulsion, combination between two substances that don't normally mix together. Molecules of fat are suspended in a water-sugar-ice structure along with air bubbles in ice cream forming a presence of air into foam.
In addition, ice cream also contains stabilizers and emulsifiers. Gelatin was originally used, as a stabilizer, but modern manufacturers tend to use other chemical compounds.
It is easy to make ice cream to your taste buds. But watch that waistline...
Chocolate Almond Ice Cream Recipe
Ingredients :
2 cups heavy cream
2 cups half and half
3/4 cup sugar
1/8 tsp. Salt
2 tsps. vanilla extract
1/2 cup miniature chocolate chips
1/2 cup blanched almonds, toasted and chopped
Instructions :
Combine all ingredients, except chocolate chips and almonds, in a bowl. Mix thoroughly until sugar is dissolved. Stir in remaining ingredients and chill in refrigerator. Freeze in an ice cream maker 20-30 minutes until frozen.
source: www.howstuffworks.com
Posted by onesecond at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Science
How Fire Extinguishers Works
Control the fire while it is small. As it gets bigger, it will turn to foe. Fire extinguishers are au essential thing to own regard less of location.
Getting to know Fire
Fire resulted from a chemical combustion reaction, typically a reaction between oxygen and some sort of fuel with certain heated temperature (wood or gasoline for example).
Three essential elements involved in a fire process:
•Extreme heat
•Oxygen (or similar gas)
One of the elements will have to be removed to put out the fire. That is where the potential fire extinguisher comes in.
•To remove heat:
Dump water on the fire. This cools the fuel to below the ignition point, interrupting the combustion cycle.
•To remove oxygen:
Smother the fire so it is not exposed to air. Example: Smother a small fire by covering it with a heavy blanket. Another way would be dumping nonflammable material, such as sand or baking soda on top.
•To removing fuel:
The fuel can only be removed once the fire has burned all of it up.
Fire extinguishers are sturdy metal cylinders filled with water or a smothering material. Once a lever at the top of the cylinder is pressed, the material is expelled by high pressure, similar to an aerosol can. At the top of the cylinder, there is a smaller cylinder filled with compressed gas. To use the extinguisher, simply pull out the safety pin and depress the operating lever. The valve inside will be opened and releases gas or contents of the cylinder.
Types of Extinguishers
Water extinguisher: Put out things like burning wood, paper or cardboard, but it does not work well on electrical fires or fires involving inflammable liquids. Any water contracted with electrical fire will be harmful to human and make the fire worse.
Pure carbon dioxide extinguisher: Carbon dioxide gas is heavier than oxygen, so it displaces the oxygen surrounding the burning fuel. Commonly found in restaurants, as it doesn't contaminate the cooking equipment or food.
Dry chemical foam or powder extinguisher: Typically made of sodium bicarbonate (normal baking soda), potassium bicarbonate (nearly identical to baking soda), or monoammonium phosphate. Starts to decompose at only 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius), and only releases carbon dioxide once it reaches the point. The carbon dioxide works to smother fire.
Of course fire extinguishers contain only a fairly small amount of fire-suppressant material, which it will be used up in a matter of seconds. For larger fire, a fire engine and professionals are needed. Do make sure that safety measures are taken before things get out of control.
source: www.howstuffworks.com
Posted by onesecond at 4:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Science
Hypertention High Blood Pressure
What is DASH
DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is an eating plan low in cholesterol, saturated fat but rich in low-fat dairy foods, fruits, and vegetables. Whole grains, fish, poultry and nuts as part of a balanced diet are recommended as well.
You are what you eat...
•Eating fewer processed foods. Example: Snack items, luncheon meats, and canned soups. Reduce amount of sodium consumed to lower blood pressure.
•Increase potassium with fruits and vegetables. DASH recommends 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables and 3 servings of low-fat dairy products per day.
•Eating a diet low in both saturated fats and total fats. Only 30% of your total calories should be from fats, with only 7% to 10% of your fat calories from saturated fats. Saturated fats are found in meats, cheese, butter, poultry and snack foods.
•Vegetarian diets high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It is also are higher in fiber and unsaturated fats than other diets which adds to reduce blood pressure.
•Controlling your weight. Increasing physical activity or regular exercises help as well.
With our busy lifestyles of fast-food genera- tions, we eat mainly processe foods with too much sodium and insufficient of polassium, calcium, and magnesium. Lacking of these three categories found mostly from fruits, vegetables, and dairy products will contribute to high blood pressure.
Good sources of potassium
•Bananas, cantaloupe, oranges, and orange juice
•Raw or cooked spinach, lima beans, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and artichokes
•Legumes (cooked dried beans and peas) such as pinto beans, chickpeas, and lentils
Good sources of calcium
•Low-fat dairy products (yogurt, skim milk, cheese)
Good sources of magnesium
•Legumes (cooked dried beans and peas)
•Rice and potatoes
There are things in life you want to experience yet. You can help yourself. Or you can help someone to fight this.
Prevention is better than cure. Kill the 'Silent killer.
Note: A common 'silent killer' found in both men and women. Most never realized they have hypertension until a stroke comes along.
source: www.discovery.com
Posted by onesecond at 4:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health
10 Common Mistakes in New Relationship
1. Tell each other you love her/him too soon
The Three Little BIG Words. Crucial and demands for a phenomenal amount of responsibility. Yes you won't want to have it too often till you're saturated with the meaning. But if you want to say it, say it when you really, really mean it.
2. Men always initiate sex
A man should be the chief outside the bedroom. But when it comes to sex, it should be an equal game. Both will have to take initiative to enrich sex lives for mutual understanding and keeping the fire burning.
3. Avoid confrontation
Communication is the key to solving problems. Thus, if you avoid talking about them, they'll only get bigger. Saying it and mean what you said, as it will help to build a healthier couple.
4. Forgive all mistakes too easily
Tolerance should be adequate and reasonable. If there are some annoying habits you don't like about each other, throat should be cleared early before it gets worse.
5. Taken each other for granted
In keeping long lasting relationships, the art of seduction is eternal. One of the biggest is men tends to get too comfortable with a woman. Stop taking her out on dates, stop looking attractive for each other, stop being attentive or even ignoring details. If it is a special person, treat them like you just stated anew daily.
6. You don't come clean about your past.
Keeping some skeletons in the closet will do you no good as it will come out sooner or later. You should be honest about your past and vice versa.
7. Meeting friends and family early on
It will be deadly if others get to know him/her better than yourself who will be spending time with. Establish a comfortable understanding prior others.
8. Men lets woman make all the plans
Women dislike men with no decision making skills or with no initiative. Make the plans and be more assertive as a man. Of course, at times you will have to be a little accommodating for the opposite. It is called compromising with respect.
9. Spending all your free time together
You can still mingle around with your buddies for a footie game. Having personal space is important in a healthy relationship. Seeing each other to often will make you sick of each other faster.
10. Shower each other with gifts
Many new couples are equate to spending money on the opposite in making them to like him or her more by showering gifts that are often expensive, for every occasion is a mistake. It suggests a one has little to offer other than what's in his or her checking account. The other party will then begin to expect gifts all the time. Offer something which is priceless: yourself.
source: www.ivillage.com
Posted by onesecond at 4:25 AM 1 comments
Labels: Relationships